Waiting …

Troy: My dad will be up in a minute. It’ll be another spanking for sure.

Wayne: Oh no, not like last time.

Yes, you didn’t take it too well did you. All that wailing. It’s a wonder the neighbours didn’t complain about the noise.

It’s all right for you. It was my first time.

Well that’s true. Fancy, eighteen and never been spanked before.

My dad’s not like your dad.

You wouldn’t know they were brothers. They both got it as kids. Grandad wasn’t afraid to use his belt, apparently.

I think my dad doesn’t believe in spanking.

Well, you knew when you came for the summer that it’s my dad’s rules. His way or the highway.

I know, but even so. Spanking.

Ha! Stop whining.

It’s all right for you you’re used to it.

You never really get used to it.

It’s so humiliating: ‘Come here. Take down your trousers.’

You’d better not let him hear you taking him off.

‘Take down your trousers and bend over my knee.’ It’s daft. I’m much bigger than he is.

You could probably punch him in the mouth, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Not unless you want to sleep in a shop doorway.

I know, I know. We don’t have much choice. I did it. I took down my jeans and bent over his knee. Just like a good little boy.

Eight years old or eighteen it’s all the same.

But then! I couldn’t believe it. I’m over his knee like he said and I’m waiting to have my bottom spanked and then …. I still can’t believe it.

I know. I know.

He pulled down my pants. Pulled them down and there I am bare arsed!

Dad always says, it’s not a proper spanking unless it’s on the bare.

Bare. And you standing there watching me. I could’ve died from embarrassment.

Yeah, but you saw me. I got it as well.

Yeah, but even so. I’m too old to go over my uncle’s knee be spanked. And I’m definitely too old to get it on the bare.

Well, you can argue the toss with him soon. I wouldn’t advise it though.

Why not?

Dad reckons you should take your punishment. ‘If you can’t do the time, don’t commit the crime,’ he’d say. You knew he believes in spanking. There’s never been any secret. Terry got whacked at Christmas and he’s away at university.

He did?

Yeah, bad exam results or something. Dad went apeshit. He went on about all the money he’s spending to send him to college and Terry just spends his time in the bar. I don’t think Terry could sit down properly for a week after Dad had finished with him. He got a special paddle – it looks like a small cricket bat – and he really took Terry’s arse off. Just hope dad isn’t going to use that on us.

A cricket bat?

Something like that. A piece of wood with a handle. Or like a chopping block mum has in the kitchen.

I thought that clothes brush he used last time was bad enough.

Yeah. Back in the day he used to use a slipper. Y’know, a bedroom slipper. I don’t think he realised the sole was too soft and it didn’t really hurt. Not even on the bare. It left a glowing red patch on your bum so it looked like it must be on fire, but when he spanked me with that, I hardly felt a thing. I don’t know how he found out.

Well, the brush hurt. A lot.

I know, but you just have to suck it up. It’s the same every time. You need to submit to him. Let him get on with it. It’ll soon be over. He does the same every time.

What do you mean?

Oh, you wouldn’t have noticed, it being your first time. Stay calm. Keep still. Let him whack you. He does the same thing every time. Three hard whacks with the brush on the top part of the right cheek. Then three on the lower half. Then he switches to the lower left cheek and then the top. Then he takes a breath and goes round the circuit again. Three-three-three-three. By this time your bum’s throbbing like mad. Like you’ve been forced to sit in a bucket of boiling water.

I felt just like that.

But it’s not over. He’ll take another breather and then it’s three almighty hard wallops right in the middle of the right cheek; at the highest point. Then for good measure it’s three whacks on the left cheek.

I didn’t notice him do that.

No? You were too busy bawling your eyes out. Did you notice how he finished? Three hard wallops on the back of the left thigh and three on the right. That’s where it really hurts. Where you sit down. You can feel it for the rest of the day. You can have bruises for a week.

I’ve still got bruises.

That’s what I said. Just take your spanking. Don’t resist. If you give him a fight, you’ll get more. You can’t win, so you shouldn’t even try.

Yeah well. There can’t be many dads who spank their kids.

I wouldn’t know.

And certainly not when they’re eighteen.

I’m nineteen, nearly twenty.

Well, that’s what I mean.

I don’t suppose my mates get done by their dads. I wouldn’t dare tell them I get spanked. If they found out I’d never live it down. You need to act tough in this town.

But, who knows? Maybe they do. Maybe up and down this town behind closed curtains there are others lads, just like us, sitting in their bedrooms waiting for their dad …

Or their uncle …

Or their uncle, to come up and make them take down their trousers and pants and bend over the end of the bed for a whacking.

Ha! Yeah, it can’t just be us.

No, it can’t just be us. Can it?


Picture credit: Generated by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

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More stories from Charles Hamilton II are on the MMSA website

Also writing school stories as Scholastic here

Charles Hamilton the Second


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