Fake News 25: The video star

‘Caned’ schoolboy becomes Internet sensation

By Brocklehurst Bugle Reporter

The schoolboy photographed by the Bugle recently being ‘caned’ by the Brocklehurst Mayor has become an online video star.

Wayne Garrett, aged 18, a sixth-former at St Splosh’s school, touched his toes after Mayor Deryck Blatterbus called for a return of the cane to schools because discipline among the young had broken down. He said most elderly folk in town agreed with him.

Wayne had expressed disappointment that the Mayor only gave him a few playful taps on his bottom. He wanted a full-blooded six-of-the-best.

Within days of our report being published Wayne’s story went viral on the Internet.

Wayne told the Bugle: ‘Out of nowhere, I was contacted by a firm that makes spanking videos. One of their specialities is adult role play where “schoolboys” get caned by “headmasters.” They said I’d be a natural and would I like to make a video.’

A spokesperson for the video makers Swish! told the Bugle: ‘Wayne is fantastic. Not only is he an adult, he’s also an authentic sixth-former. We knew our viewers would go nuts about him. You can’t beat the real thing.’

He joked: ‘Or in this case, you can beat the real thing. A genuine schoolboy. We had thought of having him dress in his real-life school uniform. His striped blazer is very distinctive, but we thought the school might not be happy. So, we put him in a bright red jacket and he looks fantastic.’

Wayne said: ‘I was very excited. I’d kept thinking about the Mayor’s caning and wondering what it would feel like to get it for real. I’d never heard of Swish! but when I saw their videos I could see the lads were getting genuine canings and I was very excited.

‘I was a bit nervous at first but everyone was very professional. They had a studio set up as an old-fashioned classroom, with a blackboard and everything. An older man dressed in a traditional academic gown had a real school cane. They’re swishy and made of rattan.

‘They had me dress in a blazer and striped tie. Then they told me to put on some tight-fitting grey short trousers. I wasn’t surprised because I’d seen other videos they’d made.

‘The first caning I got wasn’t very hard. It wasn’t much harder than what the Mayor had given me. But after a few goes the canings got harder and were more realistic. I must have done well because I got invited back to do more.’

The spokesperson said: ‘Wayne is a natural. He has quickly become the most popular downloads in the history of our company. He can take a sound caning and he doesn’t flinch, not even when he must lower his trousers for swipes across his white cotton Y-fronts.  He can even take it on the bare.’

Wayne added: ‘We do all sorts of scenes, not only schools. They asked me if I had ever done anything naughty as a child that I should have been spanked for but wasn’t. I remembered when I used to deliver papers and would steal sweets from the newsagent I worked for. So, Swish! set up a scene where I’m caught by a shopkeeper and end up going across his knee for a dose of the slipper on my bare bottom. I don’t think that one’s been uploaded yet.’

Wayne’s father, Mr Errol Garrett, told the Bugle: ‘Wayne’s 18, he’s an adult and he can do what he likes as long as he passes his A-levels in the summer and goes on to the university.’

Picture credit: Dave Ells.

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