Interview with a Spanko: Video Star

Wilfy was one of the first stars of the male-on-male spanking videos when they took off in the 1990s. Even today, fans fondly remember him and almost thirty years after they were made, downloads still sell remarkably well. He spoke to us from his council flat in London in 2023.

How did you get started?

It started entirely by accident. When I was eighteen we used to hang out in this dingy pub; the kind that served underaged drinkers and where you could buy a stolen video (that dates it!) and pills and so on. They had a spanking club in a room upstairs each week and they were always trying to get younger guys up there. One day me and a mate must have had a pint too many because we said yes. They were offering money, good money.

What was the club like?

It was all men, mostly old men. Well, they seemed old to us, but I suppose the youngest was in his forties, there were others much older. Some were dressed as schoolboys in short trousers, striped ties, caps. One or two were like old-fashioned schoolmasters with gowns and swishy canes. There was one bloke who always came as a Sea Scout.

At first we thought it was absurd really, and it was difficult not to burst out laughing. I never once felt worried, like they were going to do me any real harm. There was nothing too heavy.

How were you dressed?

We were dressed in our normal clothes. ‘Leisure wear’ was very fashionable then. Shell suits, we called them. Horrible (I think now) polyester jackets and trousers. The trousers had elastic waists which proved very convenient as it happens.

How did you feel, this was your first time?

I don’t remember being nervous or anything. We’d had a couple of pints but we weren’t drunk or anything. I remember the group leader introducing us and the room going very quiet. People stopped what they were doing. We were going to be the floor show.

There was a little stage at the front of the room and the fellow took a chair and put it in on there so everyone could see properly. Then he called me over and that was it really. He gave a little speech (it turned out he did this every time). He just made stuff up. How I had been with a gang running through the town making a noise and terrifying old ladies. Laughable stuff really. Then, he says to the assembled group, “And we all know what should happen to yobs like him!” They all cheer and next thing I know he’s taken hold of my arm and pulled me over his knee. I’m staring down at the scuffed wooden floor and he’s spanking my bum with his hand.

Had you been spanked before?

I’d never been spanked in real life, of course not. This was the 1990s, the cane had been abolished in school years earlier and dads just didn’t spank their kids, no matter how badly behaved they were.

What happened after he spanked you?

Of course, it’s not enough to spank a lad on the seat of his trousers, so after a while he grips the waistband of my trousers and as I said they were really easy to take down and, I remember the cheering from the crowd, he pulled them down. I’m still over his knee, not resisting or anything. I just let him get on with it.

So, now I’m in my boxers and he’s slapping me really hard and it’s beginning to hurt. I’d never been spanked and it would be some time before I became a proper expert but I’d say he was really laying it on. This was a real spanking, not play acting.

How did you feel?

I felt great. I loved being the centre of attention. I’d always been a bit of a show-off, the class clown, that sort of thing. Of course, the crowd went ballistic when he pulled down the boxers and let me have it bare arsed.

After that people were queuing up to have a go. They were all very nice people as far as I could tell, they never tried to go too far. At the end of the session we got paid by the leader and the guys who had spanked us gave us tips. I came away with a pocket full of money. It was much more than I was earning at work.

Tell us about your ‘real life’ at the time

I left school as soon as I could at sixteen and had a load of dead-end jobs. I was working in a supermarket at the time, but I’d been in other shops, a factory making cardboard boxes, telephone sales call centres were just starting out. They were all boring and I didn’t keep them for long. I still lived with my mum and dad and they made sure I was always in work as something.

What happened after that first time at the club?

I became a regular at the group, being paid every time. My mate went once or twice but then stopped going. Now and again, they found some other kid to turn up, but I was the main man. Then one day a bloke I’d not seen before told me he made videos and would I like to be in one. This was before the Internet had really taken off so it wasn’t easy to see these videos, they were DVDs (VHSs maybe?) and you had to send off for them. So, I’d never seen any until the day I starred in one.

What was it like making videos?

Very professional. These were real experts; they knew how to make films and technical stuff. It wasn’t just a case of taking the boy, putting him across your knee and whacking his backside and it’s all over in ninety seconds. It might take an hour to get it right. They only had one camera at the start so I would be over someone’s knee and they’d shoot me from the back, then they’d stop, move the camera so they could get a face shot and all the time I’m draped over the knee waiting for them to get sorted with cameras and lights and all the rest of it. It wasn’t very exciting, really.

Did you really get whacked or was it faked?

Some people think it was faked and if you look at some other videos at the time they were laughable, you’d have a guy being spanked by his dad and it was obvious that the hand wasn’t connecting with the backside with any force. But, we were genuine. Look at all those videos where I get caned on the bare arse. The camera has a close up and you see the cane thwack into the flesh and the camera lingers and you can see a red mark appear before your eyes. You can’t fake that.

Admittedly, sometimes when they did an over the shoulder shot, that is me from the front with the headmaster whacking his cane into my backside, sometimes he pulled his punches at the last moment. But you could only do that if I was wearing trousers. If I was going to have to take them down so the caning could continue on the bare then the punter would expect to see a load of red stripes across my bum. You couldn’t do that with makeup, it had to be real.

You became very popular very quickly, what was it that made you stand out?

I don’t know; don’t they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They say people liked me because I was eighteen with a fresh face and looked younger. I had clear skin, sparkling grey eyes and a cheeky smile. Then there were the slim hips and lovely bum. I had no trouble getting the girls back in those days.

It’s not just me saying it, but people thought I looked good in everything. Dressed as a schoolboy in short trousers (I had the legs and the buttocks for it), even in grey long trousers. I was good in jeans and those short sports shorts we wore. They used to tell me the punters blew a fuse when they saw me over an older man’s knee in my tight white y-fronts getting a damn hard spanking. And then the pants are pulled down, tugged over my firm, pert bum, revealing red, glowing cheeks and the spanking goes on and on. That, apparently, so they tell me, was the ‘money shot’ every time.

Did you watch the videos of yourself and if so what did you think?

I saw one or two of the early ones, just to see what they were like. But I wasn’t an actor, I didn’t have to watch my own work to see if I could perform better next time. All I had to do was present my bum when required and let other people get on with their jobs. There’s no skill involved at all. Frankly, all I had was my cheeky grin and cute arse and I knew that. I was no Tom Cruise; he had the smile and the buttocks but he also had acting talent.

Did you enjoy being spanked?

I know I did loads of videos and people wondered if I was really into spanking. Sorry fans, I did it for the money. I wasn’t the least bit turned on by it. I never did it at home for fun, although there was one girl who really got excited slapping my bum. Boy, did I give her one. Can’t remember her name …

Did you do other work besides videos?

I carried on at the club for quite a while and I did a bit of private work. I used to visit one bloke who had a huge place in a very posh Avenue on the outskirts of town. He’d pretend that I was his naughty nephew and each time he’d give me a right good telling off over something I was supposed to have done. Then he’d make me take down my trousers and pants, right down to the ankles, and bend over the back of this armchair. Lovely, comfy thing it was, well padded. Not cheap. I’d be over it bare-arsed and then he’d sit in a chair at the other end of the room and just look at me. This would go on for minutes then he’d change seats and admire me from another angle. Like I was a work of art.

Eventually, he’d take his carpet slipper – like the ones in Dennis The Menace – and he’d beat out a tune on my tight cheeks. Woom-woom, woom-woom-woom, like he was playing bongo drums.  It never hurt but he seemed to get a great kick out of it. A bit sad really. I felt a bit sorry for him to be honest (oh, perhaps you’d better not print that).

Did you have a favourite position for spanking, or implement?

Over the years I was punished in every position there was: over the knee, the headmaster’s desk, the back of a chair, the horse in the gym, the bench in the changing room. I’ve taken the birch, cane, switch, tawse, razor strop, belt, paddle, wooden spoon, bedroom slipper, plimsoll, hairbrush, bath brush and the good old palm of the hand. There can’t be anything that I haven’t been whacked with. I didn’t have a favourite, although if the sales of the videos (and later the downloads) are anything to go by there are lots of blokes out there pleasuring themselves watching me parade about in school uniform.

Why did you stop making videos?

I just did. Life moves on. My sales were good and they still are. The studio wanted me to do more, but I’d become more settled in my private life. I had a steady girlfriend who later became my wife and it was difficult to hide the bruises on my bum from her. I didn’t want to tell her what I did so it was her or the studio and she won. Besides, by then I had a good job with the local council that had prospects so the money I was making from the videos wasn’t so important anymore.

What do you think of models who carried on making videos for years?

It’s a young man’s game really. Let’s not kid ourselves, that’s what the punters want. There are lots of eighteen-year-olds like me out there who would make excellent models in videos. These days with the Internet and there being a much bigger market for videos and young people being very relaxed about sex and so on it’s not too difficult to find suitable people who want their fifteen minutes of fame as a video star.

Do you have any regrets?

None at all, why should I? I enjoyed myself and made some money. Oh, and I gave a lot of people a great deal of pleasure.

Picture credit: PJ5 PJ5

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