Flash Fiction: Another six of the best …

Flash fiction: stories written in exactly 100 words.

Richard had been eighteen when the headmaster ordered him to remove his trousers and pants and to bend across his knee for a sound spanking on his bare bottom. He did it to all the sixth-formers, but that didn’t make it less humiliating. It was some years later that Richard saw the advert online. Mr Henderson-Smith, now retired, offered special adult services from a converted living room at his home in north London. Richard booked an appointment, tucked a breadknife into the inside pocket of his jacket, and wondered if the old goat would recognise him after all these years.

(Picture credit: Sting Pictures)


Brocklehurst University had a crisis. Its summer language school had proved so popular it didn’t have enough bedrooms to accommodate all the students who were coming. Then someone came up with an idea: advertise locally for families to take young men into their homes and treat them as one of their own. That way the students would also experience some traditional English culture. Eager to help, the House of the Sacred Light church put forward a list of names. Many of them lived in The Avenue. It looked like the university had solved its problem. What could possibly go wrong?

(Picture credit: Unknown)

At first Luke and his brother Matt thought it hilarious when Uncle Jake brandished a stout maple paddle at them. A spanking? You want to spank us? The university students had a lot to learn about the ways of the Mid-West where late nights and even later mornings were not tolerated. They should have heeded their cousin who had been tucked up in his bed by nine-thirty. Underwear down? Bare butt? The brothers found the pain wore off after an hour or so but the marks remained for the entirety of their stay. New York never seemed so far away.

(Picture credit: Unknown)

“So, this is what I’m going to do. My apartment is five minutes away. I’m going to take you with me, and we’re going to go into my study. I am going to have you take down your trousers and underpants. Then I am going to make you bend over my knee and I am going to spank you until you cry.” Joe had been told that the subway station downtown was the best place to be picked up but it took nearly a week before he got his first bite. Could this be the day his life changed forever?

(Picture credit: Unknown)

Dad had warned Marcus to stop all his pouting and moaning – he wasn’t going to let him spoil the family holiday. But Marcus was eighteen now and he wasn’t about to spend time babysitting his younger sister while his parents had fun. It seemed like a good idea to leave her by the pool while he went off to chat up girls.

Luckily, a holidaymaker who was a strong swimmer pulled her screaming from the water.

Mum was hysterical and Dad put to good use her wooden hairbrush. Marcus discovered he wasn’t quite as grown up as he had believed.

(Picture credit: Unknown)

It was Alex’s birthday and a chum phoned to say as a treat he was sending over a rent boy and Alex could do anything CP related with him. The doorbell rang; it was a youth dressed as a boy scout. Excellent, Alex thought, he liked them in uniform. He had a cheeky grin and a delightful bum. He was a bit shy at first but Alex soon had him across his knee. The scout relaxed and Alex was spanking him on his tight white underpants when the bell rang again. Only then did Alex notice the scout’s collection tin.

(Picture credit: Sting Pictures)

For more flash fiction, click here



Traditional School Discipline



More stories from Charles Hamilton II are on the MMSA website

Also writing school stories as Scholastic here

Charles Hamilton the Second



  1. Dear Sir, What a treat to receive these stories a day earlier than the usual posting on the website. As ever they are very stimulating. I particularly like how you tailor the story to the picture. The Matt and Lucas illustration looks like it came from an old male clothing catalogue. As someone with limited experience of being spanked (I did describe being slippered in an earlier mail which I’m unsure if you received) I am happy to have found your site. With best wishes Billy . ________________________________

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