Flash Fiction: 6 of the best

Flash fiction is all the rage on the Internet at present. This is where you tell a story in as few words as possible. One type of flash fiction is called a ‘drabble’ and these are stories with exactly one hundred words.

Here for a bit of fun are six of my best drabbles. I hope you like them.

When Mr Anderson began letting out rooms to university students he thought it would be a simple way to make extra cash during the cost of living crisis. He hadn’t recocked on Grant, a nineteen-year-old Media major, whose father had never taught him even the basics of decent behaviour. After enduring three weeks of missed meals, drunken late nights, surliness and general insolence, he searched the Internet for advice. What he found on one webiste was clearly wishful thinking but by this time he despaired and was ready to try anything. Only time would tell if he had been successful.

(Picture credit: British Boys Fetish Club)

The waiting unnerved him. The knowledge that soon Scudder would return full of righteousness and that Thomas would be forced to atone for his misdeeds. Actions had consequences; all the apprentices understood that. This wasn’t the first time. But, no matter how often he was put through it; presenting himself submissively across the arm of the chair, stripped of trousers and underwear, big hairy haunches bared, it was humiliating. Then there was the intense agony of the whipping laid on with strength; the crop was designed to be used on horses not on boisterous young men. The clock ticked on.

(Picture credit: William Ranken)

Last night in bed after a particularly trying day, I tried to figure out how to handle this problem with my son. If I had been that defiant with my dad, I would have gotten my bare bottom spanked good and hard right there on the spot with the paddle he kept specially hanging in the cupboard under the stairs. It certainly set me straight. I thought that was what Tom needed too; love and limits and a damn good hiding. Only Tom was nineteen and that could never happen. What a pity I thought as sleep finally overcame me.

(Picture credit: unknown)

Prof. Blenkinsop was a fair man. He believed in giving a second chance but there was only so far he could go. If a university student wouldn’t attend lectures or study, what could he do? It wasn’t like school, there were no punishments. He was bemoaning the situation at The Three Fishers when a fellow drinker interjected. Had he heard about Mr Price, the Welsh gentlemen who let out rooms at his home? He specialised in taking in young men who were on that slippery slope to failure the professor had mentioned.  He had a method to turn them around.

(Picture credit: Unknown)

Seb was an educated and articulate young man but even he couldn’t describe the thrill he got when somebody would forcibly take down his trousers and pants, haul him across his knee and spank his bare bottom very hard indeed. Life changed when he met a college-mate who was into the same things. They videoed their fun and watched it over again before they made love. We know this because twenty years later Seb had become the youngest British Home Secretary ever and his pal looked to make a quick buck. And we the public loved every minute watching it.

(Picture credit: British Boys Fetish Club)

Tony wished he’d walked out when he’d had the chance. He couldn’t work out how he’d got into this situation. Had he agreed to it? He leaned forward over the desk. His trousers and pants were bunched over his thighs and his bum was bare to the wind. His supervisor Mr Martin was only a couple of years older than Tony and somehow that made the embarrassment a lot worse. The Accounts Department interns on the other side of the glass partition waited anxiously, knowing that in a moment it would be their turn to be called into the office.

(Picture credit: Unknown)

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More stories from Charles Hamilton II are on the MMSA website

Also writing school stories as Scholastic here

Charles Hamilton the Second


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