Truanting at the cinema

I have just about had enough of this Stephen. You have let yourself down, you’ve let me and your mother down. You’ve let your teachers down. And, take your hands out of your pockets when I’m talking to you.


I’ve told you countless times when you go to school you stay there; you do not go skiving off to the cinema every afternoon. You spend more time at the pictures than in the classroom.

I don’t care if you want to be a movie director. You need to study hard and pass your exams otherwise the only job you’ll be able to get is checking tickets at the Odeon.

Now, go fetch the clothes brush from the drawer in the sideboard. And be quick about it.

Good now stand there. Take down your shorts. All the way to your feet.

That’s right. Now bend over my knee. I should not be doing this to an eighteen-year-old.

Keep still. You’re getting too big to be across my knee. Right let’s get these pants down. I said keep still. You deserve this spanking and you know that you do. One day you’ll thank me for this.

A damn good spanking is all you seem to understand. How many times do I have to do this before you learn?

Remember, you have no one to blame but yourself. Stay in school. Study hard. Do that and there’ll be no reason for me to take you across my knee to spank you on your bare bottom.

Right, another couple of dozen should do the trick. Good and hard.

Okay. That’s over. You can stand up now. Get dressed.

There, no more truanting off to the cinema. Go to your room and think about what has just happened. I hope you’ve learned a lesson. If nothing else if you do become a world-famous movie director it might give you something to put in your memoirs.

Picture credit: Unknown

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More stories from Charles Hamilton II are on the MMSA website

Also writing school stories as Scholastic here

Charles Hamilton the Second

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