Will and Ken 3: The Lodger

A Domestic Discipline story. More Will and Ken here.

A couple of years ago when I was still a student, I answered an advert for a house share and ended up lodging with Will and Ken, a gay couple. I’m not that way myself but I had no problem with it (why would I?). Will was quite honest that they wanted someone who would help pay the mortgage.

Ken (short apparently for Kendrick) was about my age – even maybe a year or so younger but Will was much older. I never asked but I’d guess he was in his early thirties or so. He was very much in charge, I thought. He had a responsible job in the media but Ken was a bit of a wastrel, he could never keep a job down, not even working in a supermarket. I thought he was a bit of a sponger. He certainly had a big mouth on him and he could be very annoying sometimes. I think he might have resented having someone else living with them.

Will was the opposite; he was very welcoming and he pretty much let me have the run of the house. I would go stay with my girlfriend most weekends so I wasn’t there that much. One Sunday I returned to Will and Ken’s earlier than usual and I realised I’d left my door key in my room. That wasn’t a problem, I knew I could probably get in through the backdoor. I was making my way down the side of the house and was passing the kitchen window when I heard a very strange noise. It was a warm afternoon in late spring so the window was open and I was able to hear that Will was clearly scolding Ken. “How many times do you need to be told to do the housework?” he said. Then came the very clear sound of hand connecting with force with flesh.

I looked in the window and was amazed to see Will was sat on a wooden bench and draped across his lap facedown with his head almost on the floor was Ken. His bottom was bare and his shorts and underpants were at his ankles. Will was spanking Ken’s naked bottom while scolding him about his laziness. Ken’s bottom was bright pink and it was obvious that he had been across Will’s knee for some considerable time and judging by the vigour with which Will both spanked and cursed he was likely to be there for some while yet.

These were not some “love taps” this was a real, full-on punishment spanking. The slaps rained down so hard I could clearly hear them from outside the house. I had a perfect view of Ken’s naked bum which was high over Will’s knee and gave him a perfect target. Ken was wriggling and writhing but his boyfriend had a firm hold of him and he was going nowhere.  Will was in control and I got the feeling this wasn’t the first time he had taken his younger partner across his knee.

I stood rooted to the spot. I had never seen anything like this before. I was fascinated and in some odd way pleased to see Ken getting his bottom spanked. He was a pain in the arse most of the time so it was only fitting that he should be suffering a pain of his own. I can’t be sure how long I watched. Will was dressed in shorts and t-shirt, the kind of things he usually wore when he went for a run. Maybe he had just been out and had told Ken to do something while he was away. When he returned, he found Ken had been lazing around as usual. Hence, down came the shorts and pants and over the knee he went.

I was so fascinated I completely forgot that if I could see Will, then he could also see me. Ken of course could see nothing but the kitchen floor. Then the inevitable happened. Suddenly Will saw me staring open mouthed through the window. I was overcome with embarrassment and ran to the back door, let myself in and went and hid in my room.

There I stayed, too mortified to face either of them, until the following day. I couldn’t understand what had happened between the two of them. Obviously Will – the older one – had spanked Ken, his junior. This was because Ken had failed to do his chores. OK, so I got that. But spanking? I kept thinking over and over again, was this some kind of gay thing?

Next morning, I had an early lecture so I had to get up at the same time as Will. Ken, of course, was still in bed and probably would stay there most of the morning. As I poured my cornflakes, I was too embarrassed to even catch Will’s eye. He buttered himself toast and sipped coffee and then he said to me, “Sorry you had to witness that. If I’d known you were coming back early I would have taken him to our bedroom.”

I nodded as if to say, “That’s perfectly alright, I understand,” as if a guy spanking his partner’s bare bum was the most natural thing in the world.

“I love him to bits,” Will said dreamily, “But sometimes he just goes too far and he has to be taught a lesson. He knows that.” Then he added, “You know what he’s like.” I did indeed.

I went to uni. but I found it hard to concentrate because I kept seeing Ken across Will’s knee getting his bare bum smacked like he was a naughty boy. Even though, of course, nobody these days, not even the naughtiest boy in the world, ever gets spanked.

I couldn’t sleep that night because I could hear Ken’s squeals of delight as Will did who-knew-what to him. Their lovemaking was often noisy. Will had not been lying when he said he loved Ken to bits.

About that time, I started having a problem with drugs. I blame my girlfriend. She was a dedicated pothead and was always on the weed so it just followed that I would be too. We would get high and have terrific sex. I didn’t have much tolerance to dope and would often get back home in the early hours high as a kite. One night I rolled in bounced off a couple of walls and headed to the toilet to spew up my guts. I made so much noise Will pulled himself away from his lover and came to investigate.

I already knew Will was a bit of a killjoy when it came to things like alcohol and drugs. Ken came back once so drunk that he puked up in the kitchen sink. Next day Will gave him a sound spanking, and “sound” is the operative word here because you could hear Ken’s yaps and yells all over the house, and quite likely half way down The Avenue as well.

Will made sure I got to bed safely – he really can be very considerate – but next day he took me to one side and tore into me. “This won’t do. I don’t want you high in my house.” He had a point and I promised to do better in the future. “Excellent,” he beamed, “Because if it happens again, you know what will happen.”

Of course, a few days later there I was floating on the ceiling again. As I said the sex and drugs were terrific. As before, Will put me to bed, I don’t remember much about that but when I woke up next morning I was totally naked. When you’re my age you can be high as a kite or drunk as a skunk at midnight and fresh as a daisy at breakfast. So, I was pretty lucid when Will barged into my bedroom at eight-thirty and stood over me. “Last night,” he said and left the sentence unfinished. I was awake but there was still sleep in my eyes and I peered at him. I must have looked confused because Will snapped. “High again.” He stood both hands on hips like some woman gossiping over the garden fence. “What did I say would happen?” The long silence that followed told me this was a genuine question and I was supposed to answer. “Well,,, what?” he spat after a few seconds. I couldn’t remember at first. But when Will began to unbuckle his wide leather belt, it came back to me. “Oh, no,” I protested and suddenly aware of my nakedness, pulled the duvet tighter across my body. “Oh, yes,” Will responded as he doubled up the belt in his hand.

By now I had shuffled up to a sitting position and had my back to the wall, still hiding under the duvet. Will towered over me. He was much taller than me and even though he was ten or more years older, he was fitter and stronger than I was. He knew this and that gave him the confidence to lean over me and tussle the duvet from my grip. I struggled, but he forced it from my fist and dragged it away from the bed and threw it on the ground. I was now totally naked. “No, no, … no,” I knew instinctively what he intended to do and almost climbed backwards up the wall to escape him. Fat chance of that.

Will kneed on the mattress and leaned over me. “It’s up to you,” he said sternly. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” I had no idea what he meant and was too scared to ask. “Stand up,” he ordered, “You’re getting a belting.”

“No, no…” I was truly inarticulate. My head was spinning, not from the after effects of the drugs but from confusion and fear. He wanted to whip me with the belt. And he expected me to let him. I remembered how he had spanked Ken across his knee. Was that what Will wanted now, for me to lay across his lap and let him take my backside off with the strap? No way. I wasn’t going to let that happen.

I didn’t have to say that in so many words for Will to get the message. “Okay,” he said, “Have it your own way.” That was when he lunged at me and even as I flailed my arms in a girly effort to punch him away, he dropped the belt and got hold of my two wrists. With tremendous strength, he hauled me up so I was standing on the floor. I wriggled and squirmed and by now was probably yelling protests. None of this deterred Will. He let go of my wrists, spun me around and pushed me face down on the bed. A second later he had straddled me and I was pinned down with my face in the mattress. I could smell my own stale sweat and another aroma which was probably the lingering scent of cum.

A dressing table with a mirror was across the room and I could see my reflection in it. Will was some weight and by sitting on me he winded me. I tried to wriggle free but I was going nowhere. “You still have a chance,” Will told me. I didn’t understand what he meant until he added, “You can bend over the bed and take it like a man.” He wanted me to submit myself meekly to a spanking. He wanted me to admit I had been a naughty boy, that I had broken his house rule and despite his warning of the consequence, I had repeated the offence. I had been told I would be spanked and now I should accept it like a man.

I didn’t make that reasoning at the time, it wasn’t until much later that I realised that might have been the best course of action. For now, I just gurgled a non-reply into the mattress. Will snapped, “I don’t have time for this,” and that was when the first lash connected across my naked arse. A searing line of hurt ran across the cheeks; the shock made me hump the mattress but I couldn’t move much. I must have made a perfect target. With Will on my back I couldn’t move at all. He could do anything he wanted to me and I had no choice but to take it.

What he wanted to do – and what he actually did – was to lash twelve hard strokes of his thick, wide leather belt across my bare arse. Obviously, I’d never been spanked before and had no idea what a belting should feel like but the sheer agony I felt as leather lashed naked flesh took my breath away. I think I tried to yap and yell but I literally couldn’t. I was gasping like a beached dolphin.

It was over inside about a minute. My arse was on fire. Even from my prone position on the bed I could see in the dressing table mirror that both cheeks were criss-crossed with livid dark pink lines. My bum throbbed like the fires of hell, especially at the points where the lashes crossed each other. My heartrate was off the scale and my head was beginning to throb almost as badly as my bum (and that had nothing to do with my excesses the night before).

Will got off my back and began to loop his belt back through his trousers while I got some breath back. Before I could protest, he had left the room, leaving me to contemplate that I had just had a bare-bottomed belting from my landlord for breaking the rules. It had really happened; you couldn’t make up something like this. I couldn’t work out why my head felt even better than it did when I had been high.

Picture credit: Sting Pictures

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More stories from Charles Hamilton II are on the MMSA website

Also writing school stories as Scholastic here

Charles Hamilton the Second


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