Dad has unfinished business

Come away from that window and stand over here. I have had just about as much as I’m going to take from you this holiday. You’ve been nothing but trouble since you got back from university. You’ve been surly and argumentative. You were incredibly rude to gran at Christmas lunch and now your mother has just told me what you said to her last night. I’m not putting up with it.

You treat this house like a hotel. You haven’t lifted a finger to help since you got back. There’s mum rushed off her feet and all you can do all day is stay in bed or lounge on the settee watching God knows what rubbish on your phone.

Don’t think I haven’t forgotten how rude you were to Mr and Mrs Aldler from across the road when they came to deliver their cards.

… I said come over here.

I’ll be glad when you go back to university … and you’d better work harder next semester. Those exam results were nothing to write home about. What do you do at that college all day? Not studying, that’s for sure. In the bar, no doubt with the rest of your layabout mates. Or chasing girls. You sure as hell aren’t in the library.

… Oh, you don’t need the library because it’s all on the Internet! Don’t get smart with me young man. You are in a lot of trouble. I wouldn’t be cheeky if I was you. Library. Internet. What does it matter? You’re not studying hard enough. Do you know how much it costs your mother and me to send you to that place? No, I don’t suppose you do. What do you care? Selfish. That’s you. Think about your self all the time and don’t worry about anyone else. Well, I’ve just about had enough.

… Will you come over here when I tell you to.

So what have you got to say for yourself?

… Don’t get smart with me. I’ve just told you to be quiet.

What’s this in my hand? What does it look like? It’s one of those slippers your Uncle Dave bought me for Christmas. I don’t wear slippers around the house, but I’ve found a very good use for one of them.

What do I mean? What do you mean, what do I mean? You’re getting a spanking. That’s what … I should have done this days ago. You’re lucky I didn’t take you across my knee at Christmas lunch when you were so rude to Nan and her new man friend. I don’t care if it was in front of everyone. There’s not a person at that meal who would have tried to stop me. A damn good hiding. There and then. That’s what you needed.

… But there’s still time. Get over here. Now! I won’t tell you again.

Yes, come here … to the bed. You have nobody to blame but yourself. A damn good spanking.

… Too old. Don’t give me that. You are not too old for a spanking. If you insist on behaving like a brat and being rude to everyone, what do you expect. It won’t be the first time you’ve been across my knee … I shouldn’t be doing this to a twenty-year-old. I thought those days were long gone.

… So, don’t do it then? What did I just tell you about being a smart-arse? Get over here. Think yourself lucky I didn’t bring your mother up here to see this. After what you said to her last night.

… What did you say? You know damn well what you said. Or were you so drunk you can’t remember. Is that it?

… No don’t tell me it wasn’t drink. You’ve not been taking drugs. Not in my house. I wouldn’t put it past you. No respect at all. You think you can do what you like. Well, you’d better learn that in my house you follow my rules. Get it? You don’t like it you can vamoose back to university tomorrow and I won’t be sorry if you decide never to come back.

… Yes, I am serious. Why should me and your mother put up with you. When I was your age I was working and renting a place of my own. I didn’t have to rely on my mum and dad. You don’t know how lucky you are. We give you all the advantages and what do we get? A spoilt foul-mouthed brat for a son. Now get over here.

… No, you’re not too big to go across my knee. Come here, lay across my lap. Stretch over the bed. Just do as I say, I don’t want a fight. You deserve this spanking and you know that you do. Come here.

… Right, now I think these should come down don’t you. Keep still. You know a spanking’s not a proper spanking unless it’s on the bare.

… Twenty years old and still being spanked by your dad. What will the blokes at university think about that? Do you think any of them are getting the slipper today? No, and I’ll tell you why, it’s because they have more respect for their parents than you do.

… What do you mean? I’d watch that mouth of yours if I were you. Remember where you are. Face down over my lap and I’m the one holding the slipper. I bet if any of your friends’ parents had an ounce of self-respect, they be doing exactly the same as me if their kids behaved as badly as you.

Now, keep quiet and take your spanking like a man. I don’t want you hollering and howling and upsetting your mother. She’s downstairs with Mrs Alder. You don’t want all the neighbours to know you’ve had your backside spanked. And you such a big boy …

Whack! … Whack! … Whack!

Keep still. The more you wriggle, the more I’m going to spank you.

Whack! … Whack! … Whack!

This slipper’s pretty flimsy. If I’d known that I wouldn’t have brought it. I’d’ve used your mother’s hairbrush instead. I think you remember how much that hurts … Yes, I thought you might.

Whack! … Whack! … Whack! Whack! … Whack! … Whack!

Your bottoms a lot harder than the last time I spanked you. Do you work out now? Are you spending all your time in the gym, when you should be studying? …

Whack! … Whack! … Whack!

Can you even feel this? Your bum’s getting pretty red, that’s for sure, but I don’t see any bruises. Maybe I should fetch mum’s hairbrush and give you a whacking with that. That’ll leave marks, but you know that already.

Whack! … Whack! … Whack!

What will your friends say if I send you back to uni. with a blistered backside? Explain that to the guys in the showers at the gym. Tell them that daddy spanked your bottom with a slipper because you were such a naughty boy at Christmas.

Whack! … Whack! … Whack!

Don’t you worry young man I can keep this up all morning if I feel like it.

… No, you haven’t had enough. I will decide when you’ve had enough. I haven’t even started.

… Who’s that on the stairs? That’s your mum’s voice. Oh, and isn’t that Mrs Alder with her?

Hello! Mrs Alder! Do you want come in here a moment ….

Picture credit: Unknown.

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More stories from Charles Hamilton II are on the MMSA website

Also writing school stories as Scholastic here

Charles Hamilton the Second

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