Free book: Seasonal Spanking Stories

Seasonal Spanking Stories, a compendium of corporal punishment tales, written especially for the upcoming holidays, available to download free of charge.

Nine tales will warm the cockles of your heart – and other places besides. How was it that three Santas were caned? What happened when a group of delinquents from an Approved School were sent to deliver Christmas presents to destitute children? Learn why you should believe in Father Christmas.

You can download the stories which run to more than 20,000 words by clicking this link.


Pale-faced, the eighteen-year-old slowly turned to face his punisher. The headmaster had a lined face. He would say he had earned those lines. A lifetime fighting with young offenders would do that to you. His expression was mean, but so was his character. When had he stopped beating his boys to help them improve their behaviour and grow to fine adults? Now, he did it for vengeance. Revenge that these boys and countless more before him had destroyed his life. There was no helping the likes of them.

“Bend over the desk.”

O’Kane breathed deeply. He stepped forward and leaned headfirst. Soon his forearms were flat on the desktop. His back was arched and his legs spread. His tight shorts rode up into his crack. His buttocks were meaty, but firm. They stretched tightly. Jessop could see the outline of the teenager’s underpants.

There was nothing to be said, only a deed to perform. Jessop took up position a little to O’Kane’s left, placed the Malacca across the underside of the boy’s bum, and bent his own knees. Then, the cane rose towards the high ceiling of the study. Jessop twisted his body as the rod fell and sliced at full force into O’Kane’s arse.

– Extract from Approved School Santas


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More stories from Charles Hamilton II are on the MMSA website

Also writing school stories as Scholastic here

Charles Hamilton the Second

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