Called in by the cops

For the benefit of the tape, I am Police Constable Richard Blenkinsop and with me is PC Alan Davenport. Please state your full name, date of birth and address.


Nigel Worthington, 23 November 1957. 17 The Avenue, Brocklehurst.


We have received a complaint from Trent Anderson, aged 18, a student at Brocklehurst University. He is a paying guest at your house.  He says that on the morning of the 2nd of this month you assaulted him in his bedroom.


I did not assault him. I spanked him. And he had it coming. I had warned him often enough. I should have done it a lot earlier.


Tell us in your own words what happened.


I have never had a lodger like Anderson. I know teenagers are self-centred and they believe the world revolves around them. But never have I had so much trouble than with that brat. He’s rude. He’s destructive. He never cleans his room. He leaves the bathroom in a mess. He is extremely rude to myself and my wife. He would try the patience of a saint.


So you spanked him?


Yes I spanked him. I told him if he came home drunk one more time he would be for it. A sound spanking, I told him. A sore backside. It was no more than he deserved.


And he came home drunk?


Yes. In a right state. I could see that he had vomited somewhere. He had sick down the front of his coat. He was incoherent. I couldn’t understand a word he said. So I told him to get to bed and I’d deal with him in the morning.


What happened then?


Next morning, I called him to come down because my wife had made his breakfast. No answer. So I hammered on his door. Do you know what he said to me? Do you know? He said “Eff off it’s too early,” only he didn’t say “eff” he used the actual word. Well, he was asking for it wasn’t he? And I was going to give it to him. I went into the room and he was still in bed, under the duvet. I ripped that off.


He says he was naked.


That wasn’t my doing. I didn’t strip him of his clothes. He was in the nude. I suppose he sleeps like that. In the raw. Naked. I dragged him to his feet, sat down on the bed, pulled him across my knee and spanked his backside. Just as I said I would, as I promised. Good. And. Hard.


He’s eighteen years old.


So what. He’s not too old to be spanked. If he behaves like he did he needs someone to put him on the straight and narrow. Spare the rod … as the Good Book says. Someone should have done it to him a long time ago.  I won’t pretend I didn’t lay into him. I had him pinned over my thighs. I gave it to him good and hard. His bottom glowed bright red.


He says he was in a lot of pain.


Of course he was. That’s the whole point of a spanking. If a job’s worth doing it’s worth doing well. I had intended to use my wife’s hairbrush on him. That really stings. He’d know all about pain then. I’d teach him not to bad mouth my wife, not to swear at me. Not to come home drunk. Not to treat everybody with disrespect. I was going to use the brush but when he swore at me I just leapt in straight away. But a hand spanking can be pretty painful. You have to hit him fast and furious. Rapid spanks. Like machinegun fire. Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!


How long did you spank him for?


That’s a strange thing. I expected he would fight me. Struggle. Kick and scream. But he didn’t. He pretty much just lay there submissively across my lap while I hammered away at his bare backside. I think maybe he was still a bit drunk. He certainly stank of booze. I just went on and on. To be honest I lost all sense of time.


He said his bottom was covered in bruises. He showed us a selfie he took, it certainly looked battered.


Good. And I hope he couldn’t sit down for a while. Serves him right. But I still wished I used the brush. He’d definitely think twice about disrespecting my wife again after that. Brat!.


Are you in the habit of spanking your paying guests, Mr Worthington?


Not as a rule no. But I don’t hesitate to when I have to. Discipline. Young people don’t know the meaning of the word. Somebody has to sort them out. Your lot are no use.


The police’s hands are tied Mr Worthington.


Ha! So you say. You should tie their hands alright. To a table. Have them spreadeagled over it. Trousers, pants down. Then take a birch rod to them. A dozen, two dozen lashes; that’d stop them busting up bus stops. Racing their cars down the High Street. Drinking. Taking drugs. A good birching. Never mind a little over the knee bare bottom spanking. The public would be on your side. They would be queuing up to report the vandals. I know a few people who’d gladly give you a hand thrashing their backsides.

The schools are no better. In our day we were terrified of the headmaster. Step out of line and you’d soon be in his study. “Bend over. Touch your toes.” Whack-whack-whack! I was eighteen – the same age as Anderson is now – the last time I got Six. The called it “Six-of-the-best” for a reason. I couldn’t sit down for a week. The welts stayed for a month. You should have seen my backside. Of course, we didn’t have selfies in them days.

I bet teachers at the school Anderson went to were too scared to say boo to the kids. If you punished them they’d be hollering “Human Rights!”. And they’d be onto you lot no doubt.

Indeed, they probably would. I have a great deal of sympathy with your position Mr Worthington but the law is the law and we have to charge you with assault. You will go to court, be fined and probably be ordered to pay the boy a sum of money by way of compensation.


Jesus. What has the world come to.


Picture credit: Bad lads dot com

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More stories from Charles Hamilton II are on the MMSA website

Also writing school stories as Scholastic here

Charles Hamilton the Second

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