The glorious summer

It was the most beautiful summer Crispin and Alfie had ever experienced. Eighteen years old with their whole lives ahead. School was over; soon they would go up to the varsity together. Life was bliss.

Crispin usually took the lead; in life as well as in the punt. Alfie was very content to follow in his chum’s wake. This day was to be no exception. Slowly, lugubriously, for they had all the time in the world, they floated away from the river bank. It would take maybe half an hour to reach the island. They would be safe there. Not alone, but with people like themselves. Nobody would bother them there.

Parson Scorn paced his sitting room. It was too hot to be inside, but he wasn’t yet ready to venture out. He would wait for the noonday sun. He could be sure of success at that hour. His quarry were not notorious early risers.

Crispin manoeuvred through the weeds. He was becoming expert at this. His lithe arm muscles flexed as he strained on the punt pole. Alfie lay back admiring Crispin’s taut buttocks encased in white linen trousers. The exertions made his pal perspire. Soaking his unruly fair hair. The sun appeared from behind a white cloud; temperatures were rising all round.

“We should be safe here,” Crispin gasped, jumping from the punt onto solid ground. The little boat rocked leaving Alfie clinging it its side.

“Careful, you’ll have me in the water,” he snapped.

“Then, we’d have to take off all your wet clothes,” Crispin grinned. Alfie scowled, but he didn’t really mean it.

Crispin reached out his hand and helped his chum from the punt. Then, still with fingers entwined, they walked away from the water’s edge. They knew a spot. They had used it often enough. They wouldn’t be seen from there.

Parson Scorn checked his watch. Now would be a good time to leave. He climbed into his black coat and reached for his hat. At the umbrella stand, he collected a canvas bag, testing its weight. It was never very heavy. It didn’t need to be.

Parson Scorn was a large man; people said he ate well. They meant he ate plenty, not healthily. Folds of fat flopped over his belt; a third chin dragged down his jowls so his facial features were as indistinct as a bowl of blancmange. Sweat soaked his back. The sun was hot and his coat heavy. He walked slowly, pacing himself. He needed his strength. There would be many exertions before the afternoon was over.

Crispin tested the grass. It was dry, it hadn’t rained for days. His brilliant white trousers would remain unstained. He pulled Alfie to his side.

“Why do you still wear the old school cap? I should have thought we were both glad to be away from St. Tom’s.” He pulled at the cap and threw it to the ground, releasing Alfie’s shiny black wavy hair. Crispin ran his fingers through it. It was strong hair and a little greasy. The two teenagers’ eyes met. No words were spoken. There was no need. Their lips met. Tongues entwined.

Parson Scorn kept a small rowing boat. It was meant for one person. He scrambled in, his fat buttocks overhanging the wooden slat that passed for a seat. Carefully, he rested his canvas bag between his knees; it wouldn’t do for that to fall in the river. He clutched the oars and slowly inched his way towards the island.

Crispin and Alfie lay naked. Alfie was on his back, Crispin straddled him, working his lips down his pal’s strong chest. Alfie gasped with pleasure. Crispin was doing that thing with his tongue. It made his manhood throb like crazy. He closed his eyes and tried to think of dull things. It would stop him exploding too early.

“No, not yet,” Crispin climbed off his chum and lay by his side. “You mustn’t come too soon.” He stretched his arm around Alfie’s shoulders and pulled him close for an intimate, loving embrace. The sun beat own fiercely. Both boys had nut-brown skin; all over. There was a stretch of the river where men sunbathed naked. Wags called the place ‘Parsons’ Pleasure.’ Crispin and Alfie loved to show their bodies. Their devotees could not hide their admiration. Ah, the beauty of youth, they all agreed.

Parson Scorn disembarked and tugged the tiny boat out of the river. He was sweating profusely, but he would not remove his hat and coat. They were his credentials. They indicated he was a parson. They were his symbols of power. He sat and caught his breath. He was unsure what to do next. Last time he patrolled the island he had turned to the left; perhaps this time he would go to the right.

He picked up his canvas bag, and headed inland. He had trod this path before. There was a small clearing maybe fifty yards ahead.

Alfie nibbled Crispin’s ear. It was a simple gesture, but it always made his chum’s heart race and his penis stiffen.

“We shall have so much fun at Oxford,” Crispin beamed. “Together. Always. We shall take rooms together. Undisturbed. Forever,” he babbled.

Alfie kissed Crispin deeply. His tongue washing around the teenager’s mouth, right inside, reaching the throat.

“Warr…?” Crispin broke free, gasping for air. “What’s that noise?” He hauled himself to a sitting position. “There’s somebody there.”

“Just another couple courting, I suppose.” Alfie peered into the undergrowth. “We wouldn’t be alone on this island.”

“No…” Crispin started, but further words were impossible. Alfie’s tongue was back inside his mouth. They stretched out and Alfie straddled his body.

“Monstrous! Ungodly! Disgraceful!” Parson Scorn had a lexicon of words for such occasions. He pushed through the undergrowth and stood towering over the boys, his shadow blocking out the sun. He stared intently at Alfie’s naked buttocks.

“Shameful! Shocking! Outrageous!” Parson Scorn was not yet ready to speak in full sentences.

Alfie climbed off his chum. Crispin lay on his back, his penis pointing to the sky.

Parson Scorn stood, scowling, his hands clasped firmly behind his back. He had perfected this stance. It put terror into the hearts of his victims. Sometimes, even before he revealed his plan, young men would be in floods of tears. Once, some darn fool had begged on his knees for mercy. Mercy, indeed, Parson Scorn had thought. Retribution was the order of the day.

He had a speech prepared. He rarely had to deviate from the script. It started with a tirade about the Bible. Then there was a passage about Hell. That always made an impact. Most of the young men he pursued had been brought up as strict Christians of one sort of another.

But, the words that really struck terror into their hearts were about the law. This perversion was a crime, punishable by imprisonment. With hard labour. Prison would destroy them. Just think about that fellow Oscar Wilde. They would live their lives in disgrace. Living and dying penniless.

But, kindly person that Parson Scorn was, he had an alternative.

Crispin and Alfie listened with mounting dread. The dreadful parson was right. The law could destroy them, but only if the law was invoked. There were many men like themselves leading quiet lives, not harming anyone. Many of them, especially from Crispin and Alfie’s social class, were ignored by the police.

“I am prepared, in the name of God, to give you a second chance,” Parson Scorn’s beady eyes burned into Crispin. He really was the most delightfully looking fellow. The sun highlighted the colour of his yellow hair which contrasted with his deep suntan.

“It will not be pleasant,” Parson Scorn’s voice broke. He coughed nervously. “But, I am prepared to do my duty.”

Crispin stared at the Parson. He had seen the way the old men looked at him at Parson’s Pleasure. Suddenly, he realised the significance of it name.

Parson Scorn reached for the canvas bag at his feet. Inside seconds, it was open. Crispin’s eyes widened. It had been years since he had seen such a thing. Furtively, he exchanged glances with Alfie. Now, they understood the vile clergyman’s game.

Parson Scorn picked up the birch rods in his hands and held them up to the eighteen year olds, as if making a religious offering. As birch rods went, this was on the smaller side. From where Crispin stood it looked like there were about a dozen branches, tied together at one end by string.

The headmaster at St. Tom’s had preferred a much heavier birch rod. Crispin had seen the damage that could inflict on naked buttocks. But, the birch was rarely used at his old school, the whippy ashplant was the preferred instrument of punishment among the schoolmasters.

“I shall flog you,” Parson Scorn rolled the word “flog” around his tongue, relishing the sound it made and the reaction it caused in the two teenagers sprawled before him. He swished the birch rod through the air for emphasis, delighting in the way their eyes followed it on its travels.

Parson Scorn knew his place in the world. He was a man of God; an authority figure. The boys he was about to beat were products of an English public school. They had been raised to know their place, also. They would obey his every word; however unusual and indeed perverse it might be. They always did. Not once had Parson Scorn’s victim refused to comply with his instruction. Nor, he was certain, would these two boys.

“You should stand up,” he spoke quietly. Without hesitation Crispin and Alfie rose to their feet. Parson Scorn flushed. For the first time, he had seen Alfie’s long, thick penis. Even flaccid, it was a terrific sight. Parson Scorn’s Adam’s apple bobbed.

“Stand together,” Parson Scorn swished his birch rod, “About two or three feet apart,” he directed. Satisfied with their distance, he continued. “You should bend over and grip your shins.” Meekly, the two teenagers bent forward. Alfie shut his eyes tight. Crispin looked down at the mud and mould beneath his feet.

Parson Scorn stepped back to assess his targets. Crispin was smooth skinned, but Alfie’s buttocks and legs were covered with thick, black hair. The Parson tried not to look into their cracks, but there was no way he could avoid the sight of penises and ball sacks dangling between their legs.

Parson Scorn sucked in air. He lay the birch rod against Crispin’s naked left buttock. Once the rod swung it would contact across the centre of both cheeks. He raised his arm a yard or so away from the naked flesh and brought it down. He was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath from the eighteen-year-old and an array of small welts across the backside.

The Parson turned his attention to Alfie. The hair on the boy’s backside hid the marks of the birch, but the Parson knew well enough that both teenagers would have throbbing rear ends.

Parson Scorn had no wish to cut the boys backsides to ribbons. A heavier birch rod, applied with maximum force would do that. Instead, the clergyman whipped his rod across the naked haunches with just enough power to scar the flesh. The boys would be raw. They would feel intense agony as the dozen birch twigs connected. But, soon that agony would give way to a deep throb, which in turn would become a warm glow. After an hour or so the pain would have gone, except for when they sat on a hard surface. Then, one or two of the welts would reignite. It would be a week or so before the scars cleared fully.

Parson Scorn tapped the birch rod against Crispin’s bottom once more; a little lower than the previous cut. Swish! The birch rod made an eerie sound in the open air. Crispin hacked a dry cough. That one had hurt so much more than the first. Alfie, failed to suppress a yelp as his second stroke connected.

Ex-public schoolboys are stout fellows. It comes from spending many years holed up with manic masters who carried an ashplant under their arms to slip into their hands at a second’s notice before applying it with some vigour against the backside of an errant schoolboy. Crispin and Alfie took their whipping stoically.

Parson Scorn laid on six-of-the-best. That was sufficient. Not one square inch of the naked backsides pointing at him was left unblemished. Each cheek was a deep cherry red. Bruises were forming on the outer side of Crispin’s bum. The Parson assumed that under all that dark hair, similar bruises adorned Alfie’s buttocks.

“That will do,” Parson Scorn, replaced the birch rod in the canvas bag, alongside two more he had there. “I hope I never catch you behaving in such a monstrous manner again,” he said, untruthfully, before taking his leave. Crispin and Alfie rubbed their sore bums and watched him fight his way through the undergrowth toward the centre of the island.

“You know, he enjoyed doing that, don’t you?” Crispin kneaded his pert inflamed buttocks.

“Yes,” Alfie grinned. His penis was rock hard. “Come my chum, deal with this, there’s a fine fellow.” Crispin sank to his knees, formed a perfect “O” with his lips and prepared to take the member in his mouth.

Three hours later, they sat contented outside the Three Fishers Hotel. It had been a wonderful day in a glorious summer. Despite the Parson’s threat there had been no danger of involving the law. There would be no prison. A life of bliss lay ahead for Crispin and Alfie.

“Do you know what?” Alfie sipped on his warm beer, “I can see us as two old codgers, living in harmony. In our dotage.”

“Wouldn’t that be lovely. I look forward to it.”

Suddenly, a boy rushed through the gate. “Read all about it. Read all about it,” he yelled waving a newspaper.

“What is it,” Crispin sighed wearily.

“Germany invades Belgium! War to be declared!”

This story was first uploaded in February 2017


Traditional School Discipline



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