
This site started in August 2015 after I had been writing stories for my own amusement for years – and believe me that’s a lot of stories.

So, I started to upload some of them to the MMSA male / male spanking website where you can find me as Charles Hamilton II and also as scholastic. Many of the stories that appear on those sites will not appear here.

I quickly realised that even if I uploaded one story a week to MMSA it would take literally years before they were all online.

So, here we are. They cover a wide range of topics from schools, domestic to workplace and places in between. Some are set today, some in the past and others in the future. In all cases the punished are aged 18 or over.

If you are new to the site, please take time to look through the ‘categories’ section to find something you might like.

I hope you enjoy reading my stories. You can let me know what you think by leaving comments that can be read by all visitors to the site, or you can email me at the address below.

Charles Hamilton II is a fictional name. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental.

Contact email



  1. You might want to some of the descriptions on your other site, traditional school discipline. Some of the wording may give people the wrong idea.


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